miércoles, 27 de junio de 2007


Latest news on Sandra is that she is now back in San Jose de Ocoa, is able to walk and is going to the Centro de Rehabilitation there. I haven't heard yet if she has realized what happened to her as to her accident, or how much of her memory she has gotten back. She was glad to see her kids though - and vice versa, Alexandre on the right and Diana on the left, Daniella, her neice, in the center.

Who is Sandra ?

I want people to know about Sandra. Sandra is my girlfriend's (Iderline's), sister. I met Iderline, or Lelé, through working with her father. I am putting in alternate crops with coffee farmers in the Dominican Republic. Her father, Julito, was the first person I put in crops with and eventually, through living with the family, I became good friends with his daughter Lelé, asking him permission if I could date her, which he is happy with. I live in the the local 20 item store with the whole family, it's also the social center of this village.
Sandra, Lelé's sister, is married to Gua and they live next door in a small shack with their 2 adorable children Alexander 6 and Diana 5. Sandra and her husband Gua depend a lot on us at the store for food and supplies as there isn' t always enough work in the area. Sandra is a quiet, content, shy, extremely kind, selfless and a very gentle woman, she has a huge smile everytimes she meets someone and will offer whatever she has cooking to anyone, I see her everyday and play with her kids. I found some help for her husband Gua to put in a crop, and to do her part to help make ends meet, she tried setting up a little gasoline stand by the road in front of her house but it ended up not working, partly because people weren't always paying their accounts, very common in the poor countryside, and partly since she isn't a kind of mafia type to collect what is owing to her, all very small amounts but that add up, so her little enterprise failed. A few weeks ago she chose to go work for a rich landowner, washing, cooking, looking after children, making 30 cents an hour, less than half the normal minimum local wage, leaving her children with mom at the store. This upset me and I wanted to go speak to her employers about her wage, but everyone advised me not to. Instead I decided to help her set up a business selling a kind of sweet bean pudding by the side of the road, popular around here, as well as selling bananas - guineas maduros - and was going to help her this time on handling her money better, she was happy about it all.
- I was on my way back from town with her supplies, climbing up the mountain on my motorcycle moped, when I passed Julito her father, and Gua her husband on a motorbike going the opposite way. They motioned me to stop, I could tell that something wasn't right and I braced myself for bad news.
Sandra was being given a ride back home from her job on a motorbike by an aquaintance of mine, Beto, they hit a truck straight on. Beto died, Sandra was hanging on to her life. I was turned upside down by the news. I turned around and we rushed to the hospital in Ocoa. When we got there they stabilized her as much as they could, she had lost a lot of blood and they wanted to rush her to the capital where they were better equiped to help her. There was no ambulance available so we hired a local volunteer driver with a small truck to rush her to the capital. Marisol, Sandra's mom, was beside herself. It took many people to control her.
When she arrived at the capital she started sporadically screaming - which was when we felt she was probably going to make it, yet she was in a state of unconcious shock. We didnt know the extent and damage of her head injury so we were worried. She was going in and out, sometimes flaying around trying unconciously to stop the doctor from cleaning and stiching her severe arm and head wounds as well as other cuts. There was not enough hospital staff to help and it took Julito, Gua and myself to restrain her so they could do their work. I couldn't imagine how difficult it must have been for them, Julito to be holding his own daughter and Gua holding his wife as she was in such a critical state. We stayed up all night with her so as to keep her from pulling out her IV or rolling out of bed, shooing away too many curious onlookers. I got sick from the stress.
5 days later they removed her from critical care and eight days later she started to talk, at first we were worried as she was incoherent, she was constantly mentioning the name of the child she cared for at her work, Stephany - "where is Stephany, give some of my food to Stephany, show Stephany my arms, you have to meet Stephany etc. She still doesn't know what happened. She couldn't remember her children and other family members, but she has since started to slowly remember them. The brain scan came out positive and she seems to be getting better. We are waiting as long as we can before we relate anything to her about the accident. She says she can't remember being sick in bed and we have told her that she has had an allergic reaction.
I hated that my plane ticket brought me back so soon after the accident but it wasn't changeable. During the whole incident I had this kind of weak, sad, humble and helpless feeling to witness a woman, already struggling so much, now having to face more difficult circumstances. I was thinking "aren't they already being tested enough". But I know there are people in much worse circumstances. They are all rallying to face the challenge, they all have no resentments, they accepted it all as God's will.
We're all hoping she is going to get all her memory, strength and mental faculties back. I am writing to ask that if maybe you could keep her and her family in your prayers, I know for a certainty that it would be a great emotional support for them to know there are some people praying for her and her family from another country.

martes, 13 de febrero de 2007

Thanks to Alexandre Duhaime who helped with providing most the funds for a trip to the beach with the kids and adult caregivers! Most kids were in awe to see the ocean for the first time, We had a nice fresh water pool for safe swimming and the kids got to put their feet in the waves and walk along the beach, We had a nice 1.5 hour van ride too, apart from chain reaction car sickness from the younger ones -

lunes, 22 de enero de 2007

Petri Dish

When I think of sending some notes back home to friends and folks I first think of trying to bring up interesting stories that try to convey the experience of what it`s like to go to a new culture, adapt to a new language etc. But that has started to feel like it is missing the mark. - I also wanted to explain the "why" I would leave familiarity and comfort, and what some call the "richness of potential of my sporadic music endeavours" to come here to the middle of nowhere, but I don`t have an answer. But here I am still shoeing out chickens from my room, planting beans, asking people to "repetes por favor, no entiendo", dealing with ways that seem to come sometimes from another planet, eating food cooked on a fire, riding a moped etc. - Sometimes when I sit under my mosquito net, it takes me a bit of time to be reminded that Diana`s tears are just like mine, that Marisol`s frustrations are just like my frustrations, that Juan`s alcohol problem is like everyone`s alcohol problem, that Angela`s laugh is as bright as a laugh anywhere, that Lélé`s hugs are soulful. - It still doesn`t answer the why`s though, but I do know that some thought keeps trying to pop it`s head out from the ether so it can be expressed and for some reason I keep suppressing it, the closest I can maybe come to expressing it, is that maybe we can`t have it all. And if that is what the thought is, I know I don`t have to come all the way here to realize that, but it sure helps, it seems. - So I think I am looking for a certain Petri dish for myself. I don`t know what is going to happen though because I seem to always be looking for Petri dishes. But even that is just a part of it. The view is pretty nice too. - If you would like to take a closer look at this Petri dish to check out either my project website which I added some thank-yous too www.labocainaproject.blogspot.com or this one, my recent thoughts and stories about my trip back here, you are welcome to - and you are always more than welcome to let me know what is happening in your petri dish.
All the best in the new year
Feliz Navidad

miércoles, 17 de enero de 2007

Edito and the rain

Random story number 9

Edito, a small frail vocal man, about 85 years old, lives across from me now with his wife Andrea. He somehow survived some serious bladder infection as well as some other serious problem I couldn´t understand, they were all saying he was going to die - and he is now up and going, a new man, always wanting to show me his new attachment, a bag for capturing his urine, and smoking his cigars. Today he asked me if I could still get a hard-on, using gestures and some words I didnt quite get, and as I could tell by his voice that it was a sincere question I had to answer. He was so delighted, he raised his hands in the air, and then he started praising God as he walked away. It was an interesting mix of subjects I have never really experienced together like that before.


It feels like never before has my faith been this tested, through these crops I am trying to help out a people who I am daily reminded of how poor they are, and we are being sent down rain day after day, for over 2 straight months, quite a abnomally, everyday I look up incredulously at another batch of rain clouds rolling over, damaging our crops, though the crops are somehow still holding on strong.
But my patience is worn thin, I lent one eyed Pedro my sling-shot to help him shoo chickens from Lion´s bean garden, I put in a good amount of time and effort to find materials to build it well, he said he was going to replace the leather pocket that was breaking, and instead he redid the whole dang thing! shortening the rubber, and now it shoots half as far. He must like chickens more than I. I got angry and pitched it on the wet ground, he got angry back because he was trying to help. Today I still held a grudge and he was all happy to go, saying hello and how are you Eduardo, how did you sleep? as he always does, not worried about me, the sling shot or the rain, like most people here.
This rain puts everything I´ve tried here at risk, 2.5 months of rain is quite a lot. We haven´t been able to dry our clothes for more than 2 weeks - we had one day of sun and there were clothes drying everywhere. We can´t weed, can´t travel well as most rides are on the back of a truck or on a motorcycle - hard to get firewood, it´s cold, all is mucky - and I seem to be one of the few here who is bitching, maybe its because I have half my life´s savings in the crops across the river.
- I was reminded of the quote:
- The source of all glory is acceptance of what the Lord hath bestowed and contentment with that which god has ordained. - Baha´u´llah
and today it was sunny... like nice and sunny...